Honorary PhD
Konstantinos Zopounidis
Honorary PhD

Professor Konstantinos Zopounidis began his academic career with a doctorate from the Université de Paris-Dauphine in 1986. At the Technical University of Crete he was elected Assistant Professor in 1990, while since 1998 he has held the rank of Professor.

In his many years of academic career he has developed a multifaceted and extremely rich research project in the wider field of management science, with emphasis on the development of analytical tools and decision-making systems and their applications in finance and other fields of business and organizational management.

He is considered internationally one of the most recognized researchers in the field of multi-criteria decision analysis, contributing to the development of new methodologies of support and decision making, the design of information support systems for administrative decisions, and their practical applications, especially in the field of finance.

His research work in these fields is rich and of high quality. In total, he has more than 500 published papers, has participated in the writing of more than 95 books and collective volumes and has edited more than 40 special issues in reputable scientific journals. He is also the editor in chief of 5 scientific journals and participates in the scientific committee (editorial board) in a number of others (more than 10). Finally, he is responsible for publishing two series of books by Springer.

The wide recognition of his scientific work is immediately evident from the high number of reports he has collected to date. Indicatively, it is reported that according to the Scopus database, it has more than 2,500 heteroreferences (h-index 31), while recently it exceeded the "limit" of 10,000 reports in Google Scholar (currently 12815, h-index 62). His research work has received funding from international and national public bodies as well as companies.

The recognition of the work of Professor Zopounidis is further demonstrated by the number of awards he has received from national and international scientific associations and organizations. Characteristic are the Gold Medal of the Hellenic Society for Business Research (2009), the MCDM Edgeworth-Pareto Award of the International Society of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (2013), as well as his announcement as a member of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences of Spain ( 2012), in which, among others, 9 Nobel Laureates participate.

Professor Konstantinos Zopounidis has been a visiting professor at Universities abroad (Université de Rouen, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris, University of Paris Dauphine, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons), while since 2012 he has been a Distinguished Research Professor at Audencia Business School.

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