The Economic Theory and Policy division is delivering courses and conducts research on the core subjects of the programme, including Mathematics and Statistics, as well as on more specialized subjects, such as Economic Analysis and Policies, Micro- and Macro-economics, Monetary and Industrial Organization, all of which are part of the Economics pathway. The courses offered by this division aim at educating economists to be recruited in public and private organizations.
The Applied Economics division is carrying out research and disseminates knowledge through: a) the study and evaluation of relevant development programmes and policies at a macro- and micro-economics level, b) the link between economic and societal affairs, focusing on the contemporary internationalized environment and the cross-disciplinary nature of the subjects studied. The courses offered by this division aim at equipping students with the necessary skills and knowledge to be recruited in public and private businesses and organizations.
The Business Administration division is conducting research and disseminates knowledge on specialized subjects, including Management, Finance, Accounting, Marketing and Supply Chain Management. The courses offered by this division aim at preparing students to go on and work in businesses and organizations in both the public and private sectors.